Wastewater treatment
When less is more
The world is constantly on the look-out for ways to reduce pollution, provide clean water, use less energy and recycle energy already used.
All commercial and industrial activities produce waste products that are harmful to our environment unless treated or processed. Virtually all such activities result in sludge that is normally of little or no commercial value, but is costly to transport. Disposing of such sludge responsibly represents a big challenge.
Alfa Laval provides solutions for removing as much of the solids as possible from wastewater to boost the effectiveness of wastewater treatment, and for drying the sludge as much as possible to reduce transport and disposal costs.
Alfa Laval technologies are available to deal with all kinds of sludge, whether from simple sedimentation, secondary biological treatment or advanced chemical treatment.
We help our customers treat:
Municipal waste
Municipal sewer systems handle wastewater from households as well as outputs from commercial premises and industrialfacilities. Alfa Laval is involved in the public-sector processing of wastewater and sludge from at least 250 million people.
Industrial waste
Industrial wastewater varies considerably in specification, depending on type of industry and local habits. Alfa Laval solutions are used in more than one thousand different industrial applications throughout the world.
Water works
There are many different types of treatment used for processing water so that people can drink it safely. Alfa Laval systems help produce 2 million cubic meters of potable water every day.